By Angela Anderson, 2017-2018 President, IABC/Calgary

So many of you, our members, attended events, networked, achieved certification, gave back, and enriched your careers in communications this year, and it is all of you that contribute to our vibrant, connected communications community.

As I reflect on the past year, as president of the IABC/Calgary chapter, I see so many achievements that I feel contribute to the evolution of the communications field in our chapter and beyond through our three-year strategic plan. I’d like to share those accomplishments with you, in hopes of instilling a wholistic picture of what this board and you – our members – have achieved in just one year.

Strategic Goal 1: Every member feels connected to IABC at all stages of their career.

A number of actions were taken to promote the connectedness we want all IABC members to feel. Our chapter enhanced our social media strategy this year, including better analytics, more engaging posts, and growing our audience, creating further connections online between our members. We included more top-quality blogs from thought leaders from our membership. We optimized the newsletter to make it more attractive and meaningful for members including fresh content and design.

Our mentorship program underwent another successful year bringing together senior and junior communicators and enhancing both of their career paths. And recognizing the importance of making personal connections, we increased visibility of board members at member events, with several board members being present at all of our PD events throughout the year.

Strategic Goal 2: Calgary communicators believe IABC/Calgary is the source of continuous learning for communications professionals in Southern Alberta.

Calgary hosted two Global Communication Certification exams including for the Communication Management Professional and the new Strategic Communication Management Professional level of certification and continue to hold the highest number of certified members of any chapter in the world. It’s no secret as to why our Professional Standards Director was recognized internationally for her work in this area.

Further, dozens of members attended the monthly Meet-Ups, Company of One consultant group, and To the Table, the exclusive event for senior communicators. And hundreds attended the seven PD and networking events including a record breaking number of registrants for the evening diversity and inclusion event.

Strategic Goal 3: IABC/Calgary is a recognized and well-respected brand.

We facilitated another annual successful Gift of Communications session after which we were able to deliver communication programs pro-bono to two local not-for-profit organizations. As that wrapped up just last month, expect to see some coverage out on our social channels and newsletter soon.

Our board had the pleasure of judging the international Chapter Management Awards, which recognize the work of our peers at IABC chapters around the world. This is a duty we commit to after winning International Chapter of the Year in 2016-2017.

We also began some very meaningful brand research in order to inform our future activities. The brand sub-committee that was formed will continue into the 2018-2019 year to further gain insights to help us serve you better.

In addition, our board made sure we continued to instill best practice and achieved sponsorships to help run our programs and services. Our Finance team greatly refined processes and launched a board finance education program. We held two very successful open board meetings to demonstrate transparency to our membership and which resulted in volunteer recruitment for specific roles both for this year and next year. And we secured approximately $4,500 cash and $60,000 in-kind sponsorships to support our programming and services.

Our 2017-2018 board should be very proud of the work. I want to recognize everyone personally: Thank you to Sharon Lee, Vice President, Will Tigley, Past President, Alexandra Frison, Director, Administration, James Mottershead, Co-Director, Career Services, Kathy Daeninck, Co-Director, Career Services, Shelly Nowroski, Director, Finance, Naomi Koit, Director, Partnerships and Sponsorships, Erin Fahey, Co-Director, Professional Development (Events), Julie Duncan, Co-Director, Professional Development (Events), Kristy Archibald, Director, Marketing, Natasha Qereshniku, Co-Director, Member Communications, Ali Abel, Co-Director, Member Communications, Nancy Helledie, Director, Professional Standards, Casey Knoll, Director, Student Development, and Gail Conway, Director, Volunteer Services.

And equally importantly, I want to sincerely thank all of our inspiring, and tireless, volunteers, for their contribution to the chapter’s success.

I’m very excited to sit as Past President on the 2018-2019 board and see the new heights this board will take us!

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