The word “entrepreneurship” sounds a bit scary. One tends to immediately think it’s a tough thing to accomplish and that it requires a lot of money for a start; however, those views on the entrepreneur’s mindset are misguided. Entrepreneurship is 50% attitude and 50% action; therefore, the “I don’t have time” idea is toxic. You… Read more
In Marketing, there is a huge difference between desires and needs. Professionals involved in this area create desires and satisfy needs. Technology has impacted our lives in aspects related to health, business, and entertainment. Nowadays it has become even more complicated to distinguish a need from a desire. Abraham Maslow, a US psychologist, published a… Read more
Designers and web developers are professionists who count on a valuable set of skills… the kind that are often difficult to understand due to the many technical terms involved, i.e. formats, resolution, typography, dimensions, illustrations, colour modes, etc. Their world is not as simple as we think. Their job is to create concepts that impact… Read more