We’re delighted to announce the Board selected Jennifer de Vries as Volunteer of the Quarter, for the second quarter in this Board year.
Becoming an IABC member a decade ago was also the catalyst for Jennifer to start volunteering, as she saw opportunities to connect with the chapter, make new contacts and grow and develop as a communicator.
“I kept volunteering because I have made amazing connections and friendship in IABC, grown my career and want to give back to both the chapter and fellow members.”
A past President of IABC/Calgary, Jennifer has recently been volunteering with the Past President portfolio. Working with Sheila Carruthers and other members of the Board, Jennifer has been instrumental in gathering information on IABC/Calgary’s 2015/16 activities, to write Chapter Management Award submissions.
“The goal of this work was to be eligible and to win Chapter of the Year during IABC/Calgary’s 50th Anniversary. We did get enough submissions in and IABC/Calgary won the Large AND International Chapter of the Year announced on February 23 at the 2017 Leadership Institute!”
When asked about the most rewarding experience as a volunteer, Jennifer is clearly passionate in her response, “The people! IABC and IABC/Calgary are made up of an amazing group of individuals. I’ve made some amazing connections both professionally and personally.”
Many people may not know after Jennifer graduated, she used her communications training and skills for non-communications work, spring-boarding a technical writing job into a role developing training programs. When it came time to return to communications, joining IABC/Calgary was one of the first steps that, years later saw Jennifer become the President of the chapter.
Reflecting on that time Jennifer shares, “A year goes by quick, especially when volunteering and juggling work. However it was amazing to see how much could get done when the team I worked with was so dedicated.”
As a parting thought, Jennifer states “Volunteering with IABC and IABC/Calgary is the volunteering that gives back—you get that warm feeling knowing you’re helping out in the communications community, but you also gain new professional connections, skills and ideas. Not to mention meeting some amazing people along the way!”
On behalf of the Board, a big thanks and enormous gratitude to Jennifer for her ongoing efforts and wonderful support of the chapter.
Follow Jennifer on Twitter via @Jenn_dV