It’s always exciting to see which members are interested in stepping up to a leadership role for IABC/Calgary. As Past President and current Chair of the 2018 IABC/Calgary Board Nominations Committee I know how fulfilling it is to help drive our Chapter as a member of its board.

The Nominations Committee received two nominations from our eligible membership, both with outstanding qualifications and experience on the Chapter’s board. One nominee stood out for their long-term commitment to the Chapter, their passion as a communications leader, and their ongoing desire to further our profession locally and international. Having worked with this exceptional communicator on the IABC/Calgary Board, I am pleased to announce that Natasha Qereshniku has been selected for election as the 2018-19 Vice President of IABC/Calgary.

If you are interested in joining IABC/Calgary’s leadership on its board of directors, please stay tuned for next year’s board nominations that will open in February 2018.

Will Tigley
IABC/Calgary Past President

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