Are you ready to step up and take on a senior leadership position in IABC/Calgary?

The search is on for our next Vice President. The successful nominee will represent the second largest IABC chapter in the world and inherit an executive position on what some would say is one of the best managed volunteer boards in our professional organization.

You can nominate yourself or another member to help guide the direction of our dynamic IABC chapter in 2017, our 50th year, and beyond.

What’s in it for you? Here are just a few of the benefits:

  • Leadership experience, managing chapter operations and a team of volunteers.
  • Business experience, including strategic planning, budget-setting and decision-making.
  • Networking and best-practice sharing with fellow communicators at the local, regional and international levels.
  • Pride in accomplishing great things for IABC/Calgary.

The nomination for Vice President is a three-year commitment with automatic succession in 2018 to being President and then automatic succession in 2019 to being Past President.

The ideal nominee understands IABC/Calgary’s needs, delivers value for chapter members and will lead the chapters’ growth and prosperity. They are strategic, financially savvy and knowledgeable about IABC and IABC/Calgary as well as the communications industry. They are also able to support and strategically lead volunteers, a team player, flexible, proactive, a problem-solver, and interested in meeting new people.

All IABC/Calgary members in good standing (i.e. are professional members whose dues are up-to-date and have not contravened IABC’s code of conduct) are welcome to apply for a position on the board of directors for the upcoming year, which starts July 1, 2017, but the first event they will attend is IABC’s Leadership Institute in February 2017.

To apply, send a copy of your resume, along with a completed nomination form, in confidence to Sheila Carruthers before 12 p.m. on Saturday, December 3, 2016.

The Nominating Committee will review all nominations and put forward its recommended slate of nominee/s for member ratification. Members will have 15 days to endorse or voice objections to the Vice President nominee/s before an individual is confirmed. The vote will be independently managed by Associations Plus.

Key dates

  • November 15 to 29, 2016 – Nominations accepted
  • December 2 to 17, 2016 – Member vote/ratification
  • January 2017 – The successful Vice President for the 2017/18 IABC/Calgary board year will be announced.

For questions, please email Sheila Carruthers, Past President if IABC/Calgary or call at 302.225.9733.


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