• 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
  • Online
  • Friday, Oct. 28

Register now!

IABC/Calgary and IABC/Edmonton are proud to present this event that explores the behind-the-scenes planning and communications around Pope Francis’ historic visit and apology to Indigenous Peoples in Canada this summer.

Edmonton-based pipikwan pêhtâkwan, an Indigenous public relations agency, supported Indigenous clients through the Papal Visit and worked directly with the Vatican on crucial planning and messaging. Panelists from pipikwan pêhtâkwan share their experiences on this event and give further insight on how we as communication professionals can help steward organizations on the path of healing and reconciliation.

Panelists from pipikwan pêhtâkwan: Jill McKenzie BComm, BPR, MACT, Communications Manager, Brian Golightly, Communications Manager and Shani Gwin, Founder.

Hosted by: Reese Reyes, IABC/Calgary President

$10 members
$5 students and IABC board members
$15 non-members
100% of proceeds will be donated to the Indian Residential School Survivors Society

Register now at: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/bts-behind-the-scenes-stories-from-the-papal-visit-tickets-440007784127.

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