With the rise of AI, a never-ending choice of new communication tools and an increasingly competitive labour market, there’s never been a better time to enhance your professional skills, expand your network, and give back to Calgary’s local community of communication professionals.

There are a multitude of reasons why joining is a positive benefit for directors, but here are our top five:

  1. People

As one of the largest IABC chapters in the world, IABC/Calgary offers the opportunity to meet amazing people, make new connections and build an enviable network of like-minded professional members locally and across the globe.

  1. Purpose

As an IABC board member, you will be a driving force in cultivating our chapter and will gain valuable experience working on strategic planning, budgeting, governance, leadership and managing projects and initiatives. Whether you’re a seasoned communicator or a new grad, you will find something to challenge and inspire you.

  1. Passion

Being a board member isn’t just work and no play—we have plenty of fun, too! As an IABC board director, there are plenty of chances to socialize, celebrate, and have fun with your fellow board members and volunteers. You will attend events, workshops, and conferences, where you can mingle with other communicators and learn from industry experts.

  1. Practice

Get ready to grow and advance as a communicator and a leader. Leading as a board director will challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and try new things, develop new competencies and confidence, and discover new strengths and passions.

  1. Profession

You will make a difference by advancing our profession to both established communication professionals and new up-and-comers, alike, as well as advocating for the work we do and role we play in organizations. As a board member, you will have a voice and a vote in shaping the direction and vision of our chapter.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many different opportunities to contribute and pave the way forward through IABC/Calgary.

Ready to get started? Fill out the nomination papers by April 19, 2024!

Want to learn more? Contact Calgary-executive@iabccalgary.com.

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