By Sheila Carruthers

Now’s the time – seize the opportunity now!

Are you ready to rub shoulders with peers from around the world, to learn by doing, and to serve your professional association to make it great?

Eleven international committees at IABC are ready for fresh ideas and expertise to strengthen our programs.

In my mind, there’s never been a better time to join an IABC international committee. Committee structures and processes have all been refreshed and are all the better for it. Using IABC International’s Strategic Plan, the committees have clear strategies that can make a significant difference and do great things. All they are missing is you!

Let me tell you about my recent experience with IABC.

I was thrilled to join IABC’s International Executive Board (IEB) last June at its AGM just before the World Conference started in Washington D.C. But at the same time, it was rather scary. Self doubt was there for sure. Yes, my chapter had just won recognition as the 2017 International Chapter of the Year and I was riding a wave. But what have I got to contribute? Are my skills and knowledge up to international standards?

Then one of the Regional Chairs came up to me. He had been part of the IEB’s Nominating Committee and told me he has every confidence in me.  Then our Board Chair, Sharon Hunter (from Montreal) asked for my opinion on some technicalities and governance matters. Their respect and encouragement gave me the confidence I needed to start speaking up in meetings and volunteering to take on special projects. The best part is that I get to leverage and share my past experiences while improving my own knowledge and skills. It may be work without financial reward. But don’t let that put you off as it’s so much more: it’s meaningful, insightful, educational, energizing, and a great opportunity to network and meet new friends and associates.

Much like many of the IABC International Committees, the IEB meets online each month. Each meeting, we cover a lot, but our time is not wasted because our sessions are structured and efficient – using everyone’s time respectfully and effectively. We use interactive software that works well to share documents and keep up to date on who is doing what. Sometimes our meetings are at odd hours of the day or evening to accommodate everyone’s time zones but we can forgive the sleepy faces from one side of the globe and the end of day faces on the other side!

My best advice to you is: don’t wait to be asked.

Check out the awesome opportunities these committees offer. Find what fits you best by reading the Committee Candidate Briefing document (see link below) and then send in your application to the committee that best fits your experience and interests.  Don’t delay- the deadline is not too far away! I look forward to welcoming more Calgarians to the international committees!

Check out all the details in the Committee Candidate Briefing.

Applications close March 13, 2018. Apply now!

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