A Special Holiday Message from IABC/Calgary’s President

With the holiday season upon us, visions of crowded malls, snowflakes and hot cocoa often come to mind as we rush to complete our “to-do” list before the holidays. I know my to-do list always seems to get a little bigger around the holidays – and I’m so grateful for Amazon deliveries!  One of those things on my list every year is to “take time for me” or “learn something new”.

It always seems to be the hardest item to check off my list, but it’s extra important to do that this year. This past year has seen many opportunities and challenges in communications and I hope everyone takes time to reboot, reenergize, and take time for themselves.

The gift of time – to yourself and others.

Time is also one of the most precious gifts you can give.

When you give of your time, you give a little of yourself and a part of your life to someone else. That’s why we are so grateful to our volunteers who put so much time and effort into helping us run our chapter. From those that help with our day-to-day functions or our mentors coaching mentees, we value the energy they bring to our organization.

This Holiday season, we hope all of our members are able to spend time with family and friends. Or maybe start a new tradition of giving the gift of time to those who might need a helping hand.

The New Year is just around the corner – so Happy New Year in advance! We’ve got lots of events planned for the new year including some fresh PD events, a new round of connections in our mentorship program, a CMP exam, and even a social event in the works – so stay tuned!

May your holidays be full of joy and may you come back rested, refreshed, and inspired for an even better year.

Happiest of Holidays to you!

Christina Arthur-Dick

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